Prepare And Protect Your Property From Flooding
Posted in General Household Home Insurance, Insurance for first time buyers, Insurance for Landlords, Insurance for unoccupied property, Insurance for UK holiday home, Prepare and protect property from flooding on 8 October 2019

The Met Office state that an estimated 5.2 million homes in England are at risk of flooding. However, there are quick and simple precautions you can take to help reduce the stress when flooding strikes.
Flooding can be devastating. Not only potentially ruining your property, but your cherished personal belongings too. That’s why InsuraHome Home Insurance present some handy, good to know tips of actions to take before and during a flood that could potentially decrease the chances of damage to your property and its contents.
Have an essentials bag at the ready.
Pack a bag of essential items and keep it stored under your bed so it’s ready to grab and go when flooding hits! You should include items such as spare medication, clothing, important documents, small amount of cash, phone chargers, a first aid kit, bottled water and contact information of your family, friends and home insurance providers.
Create your Checklist
Involve your family members in creating a checklist of things to do prior to the flood. Duties on your checklist may include:
- Turning off your Water at the Stopcock and your Gas and Electricity at the mains to prevent a fire.
- Stock up on sandbags to place in front of the entry points of the property. It is also suggested to place a sandbag in your toilets too to help prevent any sewage backflow.
- Shut and lock all windows and doors as this may delay water entering the property or at least reduce the volume that enters.
- Move your vehicles to higher ground.
- Take all pets with you so they’re not trapped in rising water.
- Ensure elderly relatives or neighbours are prepared and looked after.
In the house
- Lay tiles instead of Carpet on the ground floor of your property.
- Have your electrical sockets raised higher from the floor.
- Opt for Water Resistant skirting boards.
- Move your irreplaceable items and other valuables upstairs or as high as you can.
- Before you leave, take photos of the property and your items as this could support an insurance claim at a later date.
After - Immediate Steps
- Hire a Structural engineer to check structural damage of your property before you enter.
- Wear protective and waterproof clothes when inspecting the damage of your property.
- Take photos of any flood water and the damage it’s caused.
- Call your Home Insurance company so a review can begin of your property.
The Clean-up Process
- Be careful of any hidden dangers or waste within the water.
- Shovel any mud away from the walls.
- Remove wet furnishings to prevent mould.
- Get rid of the flood water – only if the water levels are lower outside the property!
- If possible dry the house naturally by having all the doors and windows own (when you’re at home, of course.)
- Dispose of any food that may have been in flood water.
- Boil tap water or use bottled water until supplies have been declared safe to drink.
Don’t forget your InsuraHome Home Insurance
At InsuraHome Home Insurance, we understand how important it is to guard your home from the unexpected and that includes flooding.
Each Home Insurance application is considered on a case by case basis. However, unfortunately, we may not be able to offer cover if your home has previously flooded and / or is located within 200 metres of any river,
To get an InsuraHome Home Insurance quote, call us on 01483 806 815 or visit our website at to download and complete an online home Insurance quote proposal form and application form and simply send it to us – we’ll do the rest to get you a Home Insurance quote!
This article is for information and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute advice in any way. The information provided here is correct at the time of writing however please check the latest policy wording here for the latest policy terms, conditions and exclusions.
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